3 Wealth-Management Tips To Remember When Your Income Increases

Excelling in your career field and being offered a position that allows you to earn more money is a time to celebrate. However, when it comes to your long-term financial goals, it is also a time to jump into action. Whether you just started a new role, got a promotion, or added a stream of income, learn some of the things you should do to advance your goals.

1. Maintain Spending Standards

Again, it is a great accomplishment when you have the opportunity to earn more money than you did before. However, while it is okay to reward yourself, you do not want to go overboard. Whenever possible, it is best to maintain the same overall standard of living as you have been. 

For example, if you live in a 1000 square foot apartment and you are comfortable, there is no need to move to a 1200 square foot apartment simply because you can afford it. The more you chip away at your new earnings with new expenses, the less you reserve for your future financial goals. 

2. Separate Your New Income

Again, now is not the time to change the status quo. Provided you have been living within your means up until this point, the new income you earn should not necessarily need to be factored into your current living expenses. 

In this case, you should aim to separate your new income from your old income. For example, if you bring home an additional $300 each week, set up an automatic transfer to have this amount deposited into a savings account so that you are not tempted to touch the funds until you know how to make the best use of them.

3. Increase Your Investments

When you earn more money, as long as you as managing your expenses, it often means that you have the freedom to take more risks. Although savings are a great way to plan for the future, an important part of wealth management planning is investing, as it offers the chance for your money to grow faster and at an increasingly larger rate. 

As a result, you should look for opportunities to increase your investments. However, remember, you should only take calculated and wise risks, so make sure to seek the help of a professional.

Remember, a wealth management professional is always available to answer your specific questions and assist you with meeting your goals.
